Monday, March 9, 2009




Today our play group went to a great farm to spend the morning.  When we arrived the kids started the farm tour by digging in the dirt to find earthworms.  These worms would eventually end up being feed to the chickens.  But for the time being John didn't care what the future held in store for these worms.  He was trying to get as many worms as he could find.  I mean how can you go wrong with a 4 year-old boy, dirt, a shovel and worms.

Digging with Seth
  Showing Brady a worm

Then we were off to the chicken pen.  This is where the poor little worms were tossed amongst the sea of chickens for an morning snack.  
Oh well.
  As soon as John entered the chicken pen he walked around, ok, ran around, greeting all the chickens by giving them heart attacks.   It was amazing that the kids were encourage to discover the chickens on their own, just sweetly reminded that the chickens like to be touched with loving hands.   He was even encouraged to pick up the chickens, which he was all about. Even a goose got handled by John. 
 Adelynn wanted NOTHING to do with these creatures.  When we entered the pen she was very nervous, like velcro to my leg.  Then after a few minutes she slowly let loose and started smiling and saying KO- KO (which means, chicken, goose, rooster or duck).  When the chickens started to come towards her she freaked out, started screaming and clawing at my leg to be picked up.  It was too funny.
The last exciting thing that happened in the chicken pen was gathering all the eggs that had been layed that morning.  I was quite impressed with the fact that only a few eggs were smashed by little loving hands.

Greeting every chicken

     kissing a chicken

        "i'm ok. this isn't too bad"

   "TOO BAD, TOO BAD!!!!!!!!!"

John goosing addie

After the chickens had been feed and eggs gathered we were off to the grand finale. 
 The horse and donkey ride. 
The kids needed to brush the horse and donkey before the saddles were strapped on.  I think the animals only got a few brushes before the kids started crying "is it time to ride yet?"
Once the saddles were put on and the helmets carefully chosen we were off.

brushing the donkey

adelynn and the donkey

adelynn watching john ride the donkey

john riding the donkey

addie riding the horse

addie riding the horse with mommy

this was much more fascinating to addie than riding the horse with mommy.

Though the worm digging, egg gathering and horse riding were really fun the highlight of the day was John receiving a dollar from the farm tour guy, Will.  Will told John that if he could catch a certain rooster that he would give him $1.  Apparently this rooster has never been caught by any worker no matter how hard they tried.  Let me tell you John was determined.  With in 3 minutes that rooster was caught and John was so excited.  He said  "I caught the rooster, I caught the rooster... Now where is my $1.?" 
We were all impressed.  Though one mom told me she knew John could do it.

chasing the rooster

caught the rooster

1 comment:

Team Furnival said...

Cute pics- looks like fun. John is looking so much older suddenly! What a handsome boy!