Saturday, September 13, 2008

Funny Times

John and Addie make me smile a lot during
the day with the silly things that they do.

Bath Time
Bath time is one of the funnest parts of the day. It is very exhausting to get the job done but the kids have so much fun together in the tub. John makes Addie laugh the whole time.

Sour Candy
John begged for a piece of Atomic Sour Candy and we finally gave in. It was hilarious watching the faces and puckered lips. After the candy was gone he asked for another piece.

Bed Time
We let john read (look at books) for about 15 after prayers and this night he feel asleep with puzzle pieces stuck to his face and about 15 books in bed with him. I removed everything from his bed without him being bothered.

Car Time
Our car is the home to many of John's toys. He is very good about sharing his things with Adelynn. He had given her a princess book to read to calm her down because she was very sleepy and cranky...that didn't work. so he gave her his Batman to snuggle on. It worked. Within a few minutes she was out.

Play Time
If there is a bucket of toys it will get dumped, oh yes, it will get dumped. These two can play for hours with this small box of Adelynn's toys in the living room.

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